How to design contracts that make sense

Contracts have been long, confusing (and boring) documents for too long now. This makes it difficult to identify and retain key information, or build strong, trusted business relationships. Verity White is the Founder and Chief Contract Enthusiast at Checklist Legal. She is a commercial lawyer turned legal innovation expert, with a passion for redesigning legal documents, contracts and processes to be easy to read, easy to use and, my favourite, jargon-free. When designed well, contracts present huge value for businesses. And thankfully, in this episode, Verity shares with us exactly how to go about redesigning your contracts.
Verity White is the founder and chief contracts enthusiast at Checklist Legal. Verity is an experienced commercial lawyer with a passion for simplifying legal information and expertise in redesigning contracts for automation, readability and ease of use. Verity enabled Checklist Legal to be the first Australian law firm to receive WriteMark certification for plain language and the first law firm to present at Melbourne Design Week. Verity is also an Honorary Fellow of the University of Melbourne, where she teaches Contract Design for Automation, and a member of the WCC's Mark Review Panel for Better Contract Design. Verity is also the author of Create Contracts Clients Love, a fun journey through how to design delightful, automation-ready legal documents to save you time, delight your clients and improve the brand experience.