Secure your company's business

Store your contracts in a secure platform and access important data at any time to keep track of your customers and suppliers.

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Contract in the AI era

At Tomorro, we believe in a future where artificial intelligence revolutionises the legal world by freeing companies from traditional constraints. Automating contract management will allow teams to focus on what's important: innovation and strategy. Humans and AI open up new perspectives. Let's build that future together.

Discover our beliefs

Keep control of your company's commitments

Store all your supplier contracts on a secure platform and quickly access the financial data you need to run your business.

  • Organised monitoring of supplier commitments
  • Automatic reminders before deadlines
  • Custom reminders
"Tomorro has dramatically improved our ability to manage contracts accurately and quickly. Its intuitive interface and robust feature set perfectly match the requirements of our industry.”
Alexia Delahousse
VP Legal
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Create visibility internally
Keep control with approval workflows

Keep control with approval workflows

Create your own validation workflows to be automatically notified when your supplier contracts present legal and financial risks.

  • Customised internal workflows
  • Conditional and automatic workflows
  • Electronic signature of supplier contracts
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Pourquoi Cafpi a choisi d’étendre l’utilisation de tomorro à son service RH ?

  • Quels sont les défis rencontrés par l'équipe RH de Cafpi ?
  • Comment Tomorro solutionne ces problématiques ?
  • Comment le service RH de Cafpi utilise-t-il Tomorro et quels sont les résultats ? 
Découvrir le cas client

The 2024 guide for optimal contract management

  • What are the impacts, risks and costs of manual contract management?
  • What new technological solutions are on the market?
  • Discover 21 pages of advice, methods and case studies to help you manage your contracts effectively!
Download the ebook

Make reliable financial reports with the help of our contract library

Get real-time visibility on the status of each of your negotiations and have your customer contracts signed in a few clicks.

  • Real-time monitoring dashboard
  • Detailed reporting with advanced filters
  • CSV import and export
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Gain visibility over your contractual commitments

Start today, deploy next week

From the outset, we designed Tomorro to be simple and flexible, to suit every need.


Set up the basic functions of your Tomorro account in just a few minutes.


Our team will assist you in setting up your contract library and your contract templates.


Your account is ready and you can now invite your collaborators to use Tomorro autonomously.

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confidentiality agreement

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How does Foodles optimise its legal and commercial efficiency with tomorro?

Foodles is THE connected, committed company canteen that is reinventing the office lunch break for employees. Founded in 2014, Foodles now uses Tomorro to manage its contracts more simply. In this video, we they look back on this first year of collaboration.

See the testimonial

Do you have any questions?

The answers may lie here.

What is contract management?

La gestion des contrats juridiques, ou le contract management, est une compétence qui nécessite de maîtriser toutes les étapes de la vie d’un contrat : la négociation, la conclusion, la phase de lancement avec les opérationnels, l’exécution des obligations réciproques, la gestion des contentieux et la fin du contrat.

Souvent reléguée au second plan, elle est pourtant une des clés pour maîtriser la croissance d’une entreprise. Or, une mauvaise gestion engendre, selon les études de l’IACCM, un manque à gagner de 9,2% chaque année.

La nécessaire transformation de la gestion contractuelle des entreprises

Le service juridique est souvent sous-dimensionné. Autrement dit, il est difficile pour lui de suivre la cadence. La multiplication de la réglementation et l’instantanéité des échanges donnent naissance à une pression contractuelle très forte.

Ceci est d’autant plus vrai que le juriste est partout. Il s’occupe aussi bien de la gestion de contrats fournisseurs, que de contrats clients ou de contrats prestataires. Quelle que soit l’importance ou le nombre d’accords signés, le service juridique intervient en permanence et les données qu’il doit surveiller sont exponentielles.

Afin de limiter les risques de manquements juridiques et supprimer les tâches administratives chronophages, les directions juridiques n’hésitent plus à revoir leur organisation. En effet, 78% d’entre elles envisagent de poursuivre leur digitalisation.

Les avantages d’un logiciel de gestion des contrats juridiques

Contract management software is the perfect answer to the needs of legal professionals, since a dashboard-based management system is ideal for filing all the legal documents during the various life cycles of a contract and for centralising all the data or any changes.

Above all, the legal department finally has an overview of all the contractors who are involved, directly or indirectly, in the contracts signed by the company (suppliers, subcontractors, service providers, partnerships, etc.).

Finally, management software gives employees a sense of security. With deliverables tracked throughout the company, everyone involved has the same level of knowledge of the situation on the ground.

As a result, claims handling is made easier, and centralised data means that any clause can be found quickly. Contract management software has become a powerful business lever thanks to greater legal certainty, controlled empowerment of operational staff and an exhaustive overview.

Ready to speed up your contract management with AI?